Mijn kijk op de wereld, en een kijkje in de mijne...

zaterdag 28 januari 2012

Real Poetry: David Bowden

I love words. Words are my passion, my inspiration, my destination and is starting to be my talent. So when I found these AMAZING videos on the internet, I was overwhelmed by inspiration. Most of them are Slam Poetry, some of them are music videos with spoken words...

I love people who're walking in their destiny, I love when people design beautiful creations to show Gods beautiful creations and I love to listen to people who are speaking wise words inspired by the Word of God.
That's what makes them beautiful.

Sit back, click the play button and get inspired.
-Videos and rights belong to the talented David Bowden Poetry and one to Life Church-

I could use this for my thesis about church and christianity!


And this one is my absolute favorite!!! This poetry just gives words to the message in my heart!

I raped the replay button, not only because I love this, but also because I understand more and more parts of it when I hear it again. I think  this would still be hard to understand, even if English was my native language, 'cause this goes really really fast...:)

To be continued, there's much more inspiring stuff out there.


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