Last weeks I've been on a journey through my heart.
It was interesting, terrifying, joyful, painful, lovely, sad and surprising. It's weird how you can get to know yourself better when you start having time alone and having quality time with your Maker.
I still haven't figured it out yet, but Gods works doesn't have to fit into my words :)
So Judie and I have done a photo shoot last week, it's been a while ago! I wanted to show something of my hearts journey through the photographs and I'm happy how it turned out. I also found a way of photo editing which is really really fast, and allows you just to edit the light, color tones and contrast without turning real persons into barbies :)
I normally don't share so much pictures of myself, but who cares. It's not about me on the pictures, it's about the pictures matching the ideas in my head.
Leaving my childhood behind, moving out of my comfort zone...

Writing down my heart in lonely poems...

Painting on the walls of my heart...

A heart without walls, invites other heart to open up...
Echt suuuuupermooi!