Mijn kijk op de wereld, en een kijkje in de mijne...

maandag 18 februari 2013

Poems and tears

Words are the way my inside gets outside. And if, only for a moment, my inside contains a lot of water, a night of processing emotions turns into a couple of pages full of poems and tears. :) 

"“When does this stop?!
End this endless flow,
these waves of emotions!”

She screamed silently
while she floated
up and

But then she realized
she was addicted to the water."


"Even though,
the bright white
hurts my eyes

And more,
the mysterious black
scares my heart

Rather this,
then any shade of grey."


"I stare outside
my church window
and wonder what the
world would look like
if we truly believed
the word
was never meant to live
only inside the word.

Even its letters
scream to break out
into the reader’s life."


"I think there’s a good reason
that my left hand
doesn't fit into my right.

Even they understand
I need others too."


"I know you promised to always be my tree,
but if I come as a whirlwind,
would you still be able to handle me?"


"A blank paper,
waiting to be breathed upon,
proves to me
the beauty of nothing.
So empty of anything,
yet so full of everything."


"I’m too much in love with
to be ever afraid of


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